
Pool Cage Restoration FAQs

When your pool cage needs a repair or your pool cage needs replacement, count on the experts, we have got you covered. At ScreenIT, we understand the importance of having a fully functional and beautiful Pool Cage oasis to relax and enjoy.

A solid refurbishment, including painting and rescreening, spruces up your pool cage. Picking modern colors and materials boosts its aesthetics.  Getting new pool cage doors and hardware makes it look great again.

The repainting cost varies with size, paint type, new polyester 17 x 14 screen and labor charges but usually falls between $1.75.-$11.50 per square foot.   Painting starts at $5,500 to $20,000 depending on the size of the enclosure

Absolutely. Pool cages can get painted for enhanced appearance or corrosion protection. Just prep it properly before starting. Use specialized direct to metal paint, change out rusty screws to stainless marine grade and add new polyester screen. Poof! Just like new again.

To restore an aluminum pool cage: clean thoroughly; fix any structural issues; repaint using specialized paints; finally re-screen if needed.

Refreshing your outdoor oasis is just a few steps away with pool cage refurbishment. A fresh coat of paint, new screens, and meticulous maintenance can turn any worn-out enclosure into the highlight of your backyard.

Understanding modern techniques in restoration makes the process smoother. Picking out high-quality materials will help you avoid frequent repairs while maintaining that freshly refurbished look for longer.

Avoiding complete replacement by choosing to refurbish can save substantial costs. It’s an investment that not only adds value but also enhances the aesthetics and functionality of your pool area.

In essence, take pride in knowing how to revitalize your space efficiently and effectively through comprehensive knowledge on pool cage restoration!

Did you know that ScreenIT Pool Cage Designers are here to help you? Just give us a call today!

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