
Pool Cage Lifespan FAQs

When your pool cage needs a repair or your pool cage needs replacement, count on the experts, we have got you covered. At ScreenIT, we understand the importance of having a fully functional and beautiful Pool Cage oasis to relax and enjoy.

Pool Cage Lifespan

A well-maintained pool cage, depending on its material, can comfortably last between five to twenty years.

The average lifespan of a screen enclosure fluctuates around ten years. But with proper upkeep, it can exceed that mark.

You’ll need to rescreen your Pool Cage roughly every 10-12 years. Although regular maintenance might stretch this interval longer.

Absolutely. A sturdy and well-cared-for pool cage enhances curb appeal and increases overall property value significantly.

So, we’ve navigated the ins and outs of pool cage lifespan together. It’s clear that with the right care, these cages can be a long-lasting investment.

Material choice matters – from coated polyester to sturdy aluminum. Make sure you choose what works best for your climate and usage needs.

A keen eye is key! Look out for signs of wear like rusty screws or extensive damage which could signal replacement time.

Don’t forget about weatherproofing against harsh elements and taking steps to prevent pesky algae growth in your enclosure.

The takeaway? A little extra cost upfront may save you money on repairs down the line!

Did you know that ScreenIT Pool Cage Designers are here to help you? Just give us a call today!

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